054 – Blended

Rating: 8/10

Divorcee Lauren Reynolds goes on a blind date with widower Jim Friedman at Hooters; it goes badly. Lauren talks at work to her friend Jen about the experience. Jim discusses his date with his co-worker. They both agree in the separate discussions that things could have gone better. Lauren and Jim run into each other while on errands to the pharmacy to get a personal item for one of their own children. They attempt to avoid embarrassment by these purchases and switch between themselves. Jim attempts to sort out the mess by going over to Lauren’s to exchange. Jen is at Lauren’s and has broken up with her boyfriend Dick, Jim’s boss, although they had already paid for a trip to Africa. Lauren committed to using Jen’s portion of the holiday without knowing that Jim intended using Dick’s. Also, the hotel accommodation for Jen and Dick was a romantic suite. (Source: wikipedia.org)

054 - Blended

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