020 – Edge of Tomorrow

Rating: 8/10

In 2015, an alien race called Mimics arrives in Germany to storm and conquer continental Europe. In 2020, the United Defense Force (UDF) achieves one solid victory over the Mimics at Verdun. In Britain, General Brigham of the UDF commands Major William Cage, a member of the media relations department, to cover a massive assault on France. Cage, who has no combat experience, objects and threatens to put the blame on Brigham should the invasion result in failure. Brigham has Cage arrested for disobeying orders and orders him sent to Heathrow Airport, now a military base. Cage wakes up to find Brigham has falsified records to make it appear he is only a private and has assigned him to the misfit J squad under the command of Master Sergeant Farell. Cage is introduced to all the J-Squad members Skinner, Kimmel, Griff, Nance, Ford and Kuntz who all don’t take to kindly to him especially Skinner.

The invasion of France is a colossal failure for the UDF. Farrell and J-Squad are all killed in battle right before Cage uses a Claymore mine to kill an unusually large blue Mimic but dies when the alien’s blood dissolves him. Cage is jolted awake and finds himself back at Heathrow experiencing the events of the previous morning over again. Cage attempts to warn Farell that the invasion will fail but is not believed. He repeats the loop of dying on the beach and waking at Heathrow over and over again, becoming more skilled in combat each time. During one time loop Cage unsuccessfully attempts to save the life of Sergeant Rita Vrataski, who realises that Cage can loop time. She orders him to locate her the next time he wakes up. (Source: wikipedia.org)

020 - Edge of Tomorrow

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