093 – The Perfect Guy

Rating: 5/10

Successful lobbyist Leah Vaughn breaks up with her boyfriend, Dave King, because he refuses to commit to her wishes of starting a family. Two months later, she meets Carter Duncan, a charming man who works in IT for another company. They quickly grow close and he works his way into the hearts of her friends and family. On their way home from a trip to San Francisco to meet her parents, a stranger at a gas station asks Leah about Carter’s Dodge Charger. Carter viciously attacks the man, and Carter and Leah drive off when the station’s owner orders them to leave. Distraught over his actions, Leah decides to break up with him that night.

Over the next several weeks, Carter stalks Leah at her job, and makes numerous phone calls, even after she changes her phone number. Unbeknownst to Leah, Carter also gets into her house with her spare key. He goes through her belongings, hacks into her computer, and abducts her cat. She finally decides to go to the police, meeting with Detective Hansen, who advises her to keep records of any further attempts Carter makes to contact her. Leah later finds a threatening note and a single red rose attached to her car and files a restraining order against Carter, causing him to lose his job. (Source: wikipedia.org)

093 - The Perfect Guy

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