014 – Ant-Man

Rating: 5/10 In 1989, scientist Hank Pym resigns from S.H.I.E.L.D. after discovering their attempt to replicate his Ant-Man shrinking technology, vowing to keep it hidden. In the present day, his estranged daughter, Hope van Dyne, and former protégé, Darren Cross, have taken control of Pym Technologies and are close to perfecting a dangerous shrinking suit….

009 – Dawn of the Planet of the Apes

Rating: 6/10 Ten years after the pandemic of the deadly ALZ-113 virus, later called the Simian Flu, the worldwide human population was drastically reduced, with only about one in 500 genetically immune to the virus. Meanwhile, the apes, under the chimpanzee Caesar, all bestowed with genetically enhanced intelligence by the virus, have long established a…