082 – Ben-Hur

Rating: 5/10 Jewish prince Judah Ben-Hur and his adopted Roman brother Messala share a deep bond despite their different backgrounds. However, their friendship frays when Messala joins the Roman army, spurred by Judah’s mother rejecting his interest in her daughter Tirzah. Ben-Hur marries his slave Esther after Messala leaves, but their paths cross again three…

043 – Fantastic Four

Rating: 5/10 Childhood friends Reed Richards and Ben Grimm have worked together on a prototype teleporter since youth, eventually attracting the attention of Professor Franklin Storm, director of the Baxter Foundation, a government-sponsored research institute for young prodigies. Reed is recruited to join them and aid Storm’s children, scientist Sue Storm and engineer Johnny Storm,…

009 – Dawn of the Planet of the Apes

Rating: 6/10 Ten years after the pandemic of the deadly ALZ-113 virus, later called the Simian Flu, the worldwide human population was drastically reduced, with only about one in 500 genetically immune to the virus. Meanwhile, the apes, under the chimpanzee Caesar, all bestowed with genetically enhanced intelligence by the virus, have long established a…